Miracles Whether you believe in miracles or not, today's Micro Preemie Monday story is pretty amazing. Coincidentally, today's story features a baby named Sophia, who battled IUGR, just as another Sophia did, who we met two weeks ago. While their stories are uniquely their own, those similarities are very important. I know I feel a connection when I can find details that … [Read more...]
Strength of a Preemie Mom
Strength that can't be measured Every Monday, I am in awe of the strength that our preemies show as they fight to survive. I am just as in awe of their mothers' strength. Not only are they emotionally strong for their children as they fight, but they are physically strong. In order to stay pregnant, they will make any sacrifices for their own physical comfort. Whether it be … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Mondays and Annie
Welcome to Micro Preemie Monday! Today we meet Annie, as told by her Mom, Rosie. Annie has defied Doctor's predictions, and is a very talented young lady. Let's meet her. … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Mondays and Zachary
Today, we meet Zachary. His mother, Catherine, is here to tell us all about her precious boy. He will be turning 5 at the end of November. Here is their story. … [Read more...]