Health Reset I was super excited about 2019. I set my goals for the month, and even came up with a word of the year. I was ready to take on new challenges and ready for a health reset. Eating less and moving more were at the top of the agenda. Life, however, had other plans for me and our family. The boys headed back to school on the Wednesday, January 2nd, and I was eager … [Read more...]
An Accident and Everything that comes After
Accident Yesterday started off as a typical Wednesday. The morning rush to get dressed, eat, and out the door for summer school. I even packed up my car with some things to return and drop off while the kids were occupied. Everything was going smoothly, until it wasn't. An accident. The Short Version After dropping the kids off, I followed the traffic pattern that had … [Read more...]
November 2017 Goals, and an October Wrap-up
November 2017 I'll admit I'm happy November 2017 is here. October was a busy month filled with birthday parties, school field trips, house maintenance, health appointments, and kid activities. It ended on a good note with Halloween, but there were a lot of bumps along the way. It was the month of one step forward, two steps back. For example, we took everyone for a fun … [Read more...]
July 2017 Goals and a June Review
July 2017 July 11th. Yikes. As you can tell, I'm a little behind with my July 2017 goals! Seriously, how can we already be past the 4th of July?! I think it's partially because we've had a pretty cool summer, and partially because we've been pretty busy. Although, I think time just goes faster and faster each year. If you've figured out a way to slow it down, please let … [Read more...]
The Second Trimester
It's Friday again, so that means it's time to focus on my First Born. Now, I think some of you may have been confused on last Friday's post. I'm not pregnant right now (you can stop freaking out, honey,) these are just my memories from the first time around. So, don't let the belly pictures confuse you :) So, where did I leave off.... I had my first Ultrasound, we had … [Read more...]