Blame When you experience a premature birth, it's so hard not to blame yourself, as the mother. Mothers are supposed to be able to protect their children from anything, even before they are born. Sometimes, though, you just can't. It is not in your power, and it is a really hard situation to be in. I always second guessed everything I did during my pregnancy, and wondered … [Read more...]
Progress and Moving Forward
Progress Little by little, I've been making some progress this week. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed and emotional lately, as you can tell by some of my posts. Thank you so much to everyone who read and commented on Reasons I feel like a Bad Mom, Preschool Problems and Hard to be a Blogger. I felt a lot of love and support, and I also got a lot of great advice. So, I … [Read more...]
Micro Preemies Nicolas and Lucas
Micro Preemie Monday Thank you for joining us for another Micro Preemie Monday, and another story of hope. If you missed any recent Mondays, you can catch up and read Charlotte's story HERE, and then you can get updates on some of our past families HERE and HERE. Today Today, we meet not one, but two preemies. They are a set of identical twins almost born at the same … [Read more...]
Mommy Guilt and How to deal
As I'm writing this post and my three little ones are eating a snack while watching Thomas, it creeps in. Mommy guilt. It's the yucky feeling you get in your gut when you know you should be playing, reading, snuggling, or talking to your kids, but you have to get something done. The feeling you get when you wonder if you're doing a good enough job raising your kids. The … [Read more...]