Scars Scars on our bodies can come from many different places. They can be a sign of past trauma from an accident, an injury, or in my case, even giving birth. I was sitting with the twins the other day when the topic of scars came up. It's not a typical thing to discuss with children, but the twins didn't have a typical birth or newborn period. Each had a surgery in the … [Read more...]
TTTS Awareness Month: Landon and Luke’s Story
TTTS Awareness Month December is a very special time of year in our house. Of course, the holidays are coming up, but in our family the month means something else. December is TTTS Awareness Month. Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome caused the premature birth of my twins. TTTS, according to the TTTS Foundation, is: "...a disease of the placenta (or afterbirth) … [Read more...]
24 weeks: Justin’s Story
24 Weeks 24 weeks is the gestation that most doctors tell you is the age of viability. The age where they will try to save your baby if it is born. It is terrifying. I remember sitting in my hospital bed, a few days past viability and listening to the statistics being thrown at me. The quality of life predicted, the complications that would almost surely arise, and the … [Read more...]
NICU Nurse, but Mom First: Blakelee’s Story
NICU Nurse Being a NICU nurse must be extremely hard, yet very rewarding. Watching them care for my twins, I gained so much respect and admiration for each and every one. Not only does a NICU nurse care for the most delicate, fragile babies, but they also care for the parents of those babies. They are the people who are responsible for explaining what the doctors mean, that … [Read more...]
Falling off the Healthy Eating Wagon
Healthy Eating I've been on a wellness journey for about 3 years now. It's not always easy, and food is always the most challenging aspect for me. Recently, I've had a setback when it comes to healthy eating. I wish I could say it stemmed from a certain incident, like my car accident, but in reality, it had been happening gradually for a while. While my accident, and the … [Read more...]