November 2018
Seriously? How is it November 2018. I feel as if all of October went by in a big blur.
I thought I got a lot done, and I know we were busy. However, when I went back and looked at my goals, it did not look good. This past month actually looked like a big fail.
But, that’s life, right? You can plan as much as you want, and set expectations, but reality always gets in the way. Sometimes it sucks, but other times, it’s a good thing. While I didn’t get to everything I had planned for the month, I did get some important things done that came up unexpectedly.
Even though I didn’t get to all of my goals, I still find them helpful. They help me set the tone for the month, and make me feel productive. Even if I only cross out one item, I still get that satisfaction of accomplishment. Goals also motivate and inspire me to keep working harder and to make changes. They help me prioritize by showing me that certain things I thought were important at the time, may not be that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.
So, I’m still going to write out my goals for November 2018 and every other month.
It’s the start to holiday season, and with that comes a LOT. For most, it’s an exciting, fun time, but for me, it’s stress and hard work. It heightens my anxiety, and it takes a lot of my energy just trying to get through it all.
Plus, this year, we’ve added a family vacation in the mix. It’s coming up in December. I’m not sure if that was a really smart idea or a really crazy one. I guess we’ll see!
October 2018
Even though I already mentioned, I felt like a failure looking back at these goals, I know that’s not accurate. While I didn’t do what I planned, I did do a lot. So, after I share the re-cap of goals, I’m also going to share all the additional things we accomplished.
I think I will make that a new part of all of my goals!
So, here we go:
Personal Goals
- Clean out my closet and organize our bedroom – Nope. I have a huge pile still sitting in front of my closet.
Learn how to use my Instant Pot. I’ve only had it for a few month now just sitting in its box. Ha!Yes! I attempted Broccoli Cheese Soup. At least my husband liked it. Well, at least he ate it.- Finish 3 books this month.
1 for Book club, and 2 of my choice. I started one of my own, but that’s about it. Get my calendar up-to-date. We have so many activities and events coming up, and I don’t want to miss anything.Have a successful rummageI’m calling it a success because I did it, but I still have a ton of stuff to either sell or donate.
Health Goals
- No eating after 8pm Ugh. Big Fail. I can’t even talk about this one.
Drink more water. I do great in the morning after my workout, but slow down the rest of the day.- Get more sleep. Try to set a bedtime, allowing me to get up earlier. Nope. I’ve been running on empty all month.
Exercise at least 3 times a week at the gym.Take advantage of the Fall weather with walks or jogs.
Family Goals
- Celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary! We did get a date night for a friend’s birthday, but still haven’t celebrated our actual anniversary. I’m still waiting for my present too…hmm.
Celebrate Mr. B’s 9th Birthday!Yes! We took Mr. B and a few friends to dinner and a movie. We also took him to one of the Brewer’s Play-off games. Plus, we had cake and presents at home.Do some Fall Family activities.We went to Ebert’s and participated in their costume parade, corn maze (only lost 1 of 3 boys) and got huge pumpkins. We also went trick or treating TWICE.- Decorate our house for Halloween. Nope. I didn’t even look for the decorations.
Professional Goals
- Write at least 2 blog posts a week.
Complete one sponsored post this month,and work on one for next month. Even though it wasn’t exactly sponsored, I did write this one.Continue to get comfortable with my new dance classes, and make my students comfortable, as wellI took over a class for another teacher, and it’s going really well! I also love all of my other classes and ballerinas!Keep learning and improving my writing, my dancing, and my teaching.I’m taking class, and I went to see a professional ballet.
Here’s what else we/I did this month:
- Volunteered in the twins’ class every week
- Organized the twins’ Fall Party and participated in Mr. B’s
- Got the kids to their activities (soccer, Scouts, birthday party) with the help of Grandpa/Grandma
- Dressed up the kids three separate times, and dressed up for all my dance classes
- Put all my energy into teaching my dance classes

- Did mass amounts of laundry. Fall = Muddy clothes
- Went to Physical therapy, Dentist Appointment (no cavities!) and scheduled a doctor’s appointment for myself
- Dealt with accident aftermath, and eye doctor drama (Little P failed his eye exam at school, but it all turned out OK)
- Made a wellness visit for Mr. B with a new Doctor
- Did my volunteer duty for Mr. B’s soccer
- Wrote a post for MKE Mom’s blog, and also attended two events (one included my kids, so does that count at least double??)
- Went to the gym at least 4 times a week. Even though my nutrition needs some work, I’m feeling strong.
Phew. When I write it all out like that, I feel better about the month…and myself.
Now, on to November 2018.
November 2018 Goals
Personal Goals
- Organize my closet. Try to purge.
- When I feel stressed, take a breath. Or a break.
- Enjoy the journey and the destination
Health Goals
- Get more sleep. That’s it. Just more.
- Keep drinking water.
- STOP eating after 8pm.
- Keep going to the gym. It’s my therapy.
Family Goals
- Make it to all of our activities (Scouts/Engineering for Mr. B, Book club, MKE mom’s club event, twins’ club events for me)
- Enjoy Thanksgiving
- Have a good check-up with Little P’s specialist
- Renew our Health Insurance
- Get ready for Family Vacation (coming in December)
Professional Goals
- Write more
- Read more
That’s it! Happy November! Don’t forget about changing your clocks (that’s more of a reminder for me!)
What are you up to this month?
I like that you added all the other things you did during the month! They might not have been on the original goals list but it’s still a lot and it just shows everyone that we accomplish more than we think we do sometimes! As for the upcoming holidays, I don’t really care for Thanksgiving. I don’t like the food, tend to get depressed time of the year, but I am going to NYC the next week so I hope that will keep my spirits up. But yeah, while I like all the activities and events that come along with Christmas, it can still be a rough time for mental health, so I hope we can both get through it! And I LOVE that you dressed up for all of your dance classes. I have to keep up with my classes, and try and move more on other days – as well as focus better on eating healthier. It’s hit or miss, and this time of the year is rough for it sometimes!
I was telling Matt that October was an actual blur. I know we did a lot this month, which is unusual, but my sense of time isn’t really normal either so everything feels fast to me.
I think you did pretty darn good! It sounds like you were so busy, getting any of your goals done is amazing I’d say! And I like your goals for November – especially about enjoying the journey!
Happy Anniversary!
Girl, I hear you. I’ve felt like a failure these last few months but I’m not giving myself too much grief for it. You know what? Women give themselves grief for so unnecessary things in life and tell me, do you ever hear men down on themselves like we are? Some, sure, but most, not at all. We all could learn a thing of two from them and learn to just accept some things as they are and move along. Life happens and sometimes it gets in the way, am I right?
You may have felt like you let things slip but holy crap lady, you got a lot crossed off your list, for reals. I love the picture of you and your husband, as well as all your Halloween costumes. Very cute. 🙂
I’ve been slowly going through closets but I’d like to organize it more. I know I could get rid of clothes that are worn/don’t fit/I’ll never wear. And dont’ even get me started on my husband, the clothes hoarder. Maybe I’ll get around to that by next weekend, considering Im working this weekend.
Get more sleep lady! Miss you and love ya! xoxo
I’m hoping my comment didn’t get eaten!
Sometimes life gets in the way of all of our good intentions that we try to plan for in the beginning of the month. Even though you didn’t meet all of them, you were definitely busy and did a lot of things that weren’t part of your goals! I love the Chewbacca sweatshirts- I almost bought one but then found a onesie that I wore for Halloween haha! Good luck with your November goals!