December 2017 Goals How can I be writing out my December 2017 goals? I'm honestly not sure what happened to November. One minute I was trying to figure out what to do with all the leftover Halloween candy, and the next thing I know it was Thanksgiving. It went by in such a blur, I'm not even sure that I accomplished one thing from my goal list. Mostly because I can't even … [Read more...]
Happy Endings: Change your Perspective
Endings It's that time of year where things are winding down. A couple of weeks of school left, one dance performance done, my student's performance in just a few weeks, and hopefully the end of Winter. (Seriously. This Wisconsin weather has been pretty crazy. I think we've had both our heat and air conditioning on this week.) Endings are happening, and I think we're all … [Read more...]
Noses and Ears
If I had a nickel for every time I had to wipe a snotty nose this week, I would have enough to hire someone else to do it. And that's just when I catch them in time. Otherwise, you can guess where it gets wiped. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. I'm not sure where they picked up this little "cold," but it looks to be something that's going to stick around for a while. I've tried sucking … [Read more...]
Family Fun Night and Valentine’s Day
Family Fun Night Wednesday night was "Family Fun Night," at my son's preschool. He was super excited to show-off his brothers, and said he had a special surprise. Unfortunately, so did one of my twins. A fever. Boo. Have I mentioned how much I hate flu/RSV/cold season?!?! Luckily, I figured this was only a little virus, as the oldest was sick on Friday. I had … [Read more...]