24 Weeks 24 weeks is the gestation that most doctors tell you is the age of viability. The age where they will try to save your baby if it is born. It is terrifying. I remember sitting in my hospital bed, a few days past viability and listening to the statistics being thrown at me. The quality of life predicted, the complications that would almost surely arise, and the … [Read more...]
NICU Nurse, but Mom First: Blakelee’s Story
NICU Nurse Being a NICU nurse must be extremely hard, yet very rewarding. Watching them care for my twins, I gained so much respect and admiration for each and every one. Not only does a NICU nurse care for the most delicate, fragile babies, but they also care for the parents of those babies. They are the people who are responsible for explaining what the doctors mean, that … [Read more...]
Love and Loss: Emerson and Finley’s Story
Love and Loss While I share many stories of hope each week, there are just as many stories of heartbreak when talking about premature birth. Today's story of love and loss hit especially close to home for me. There are just so many similarities, yet one huge difference. I will always realize how lucky we were to take two babies home from the NICU. There were many times when … [Read more...]
NICU Dads: An Advocate and Support System
NICU Dads While I often talk about the struggle we have as premature and NICU moms, there is another person who is a big part of this journey. NICU dads play such an important role that is sometimes overlooked. Even though it is not their body, watching the mother of your child go through pain, both physical and mental, is excruciating. Not being able to do anything to stop … [Read more...]
Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Hope for the Smallest
Intrauterine Growth Restriction IUGR, or intrauterine Growth Restriction, is a very serious complication during pregnancy. A baby does not receive the nutrition it needs to grow at the rate that it should. Intrauterine growth restriction is a condition of the placenta, and it can be caused by many different reasons, some unknown. Unfortunately, there isn't much medically … [Read more...]