Micro Preemie Monday Thank you for joining us for another Micro Preemie Monday, and another story of hope. If you missed any recent Mondays, you can catch up and read Charlotte's story HERE, and then you can get updates on some of our past families HERE and HERE. Today Today, we meet not one, but two preemies. They are a set of identical twins almost born at the same … [Read more...]
My November Goals
Hello November! November goals? What happened? When I was planning out this week's posts, I completely forgot to include my November goals! It may be because I'm in denial that it's already November, or it could just be mommy brain again. Probably a combination of both. Goodbye October! So, let's see how October went first. Continue going to the Gym at least 3 … [Read more...]
Twins’ Favorites Tuesday
With the beginning of the school year, much of the blog focus has been on my oldest. So, today, I thought we'd check in with the twins. I'll share what they've been doing, where they've been going, and their new favorites. … [Read more...]
A week alone and a day really alone
Let me start this post with a warning...I have taken cold medicine. I apologize for any parts that don't make complete sense. :) Now, back to the post... According to this week's Sneak Peak Sunday, today I was going to share a Vlog with you about my newest VoxBox from Influenster. If you'd like to learn more about what Influenster is you can read about it in my post HERE or … [Read more...]
What happened this week
Wow. It was a really, REALLY busy week. Did I say it was busy? It was one of those weeks, where I had an activity every night. I seriously have not worn make-up this many times in a row since...I can't remember when I wore make-up or got dressed up this often. Most of it was great stuff, but that doesn't mean that I'm not exhausted. So, here's a little … [Read more...]