24 Weeks 24 weeks is the gestation that most doctors tell you is the age of viability. The age where they will try to save your baby if it is born. It is terrifying. I remember sitting in my hospital bed, a few days past viability and listening to the statistics being thrown at me. The quality of life predicted, the complications that would almost surely arise, and the … [Read more...]
NICU Nurse, but Mom First: Blakelee’s Story
NICU Nurse Being a NICU nurse must be extremely hard, yet very rewarding. Watching them care for my twins, I gained so much respect and admiration for each and every one. Not only does a NICU nurse care for the most delicate, fragile babies, but they also care for the parents of those babies. They are the people who are responsible for explaining what the doctors mean, that … [Read more...]
Bed Rest and Pprom: Sebastian’s Story
Bed Rest At the beginning of my twin pregnancy, I read a lot about bed rest. It's a pretty common occurrence in twin pregnancies, and honestly, it didn't seem to bad to me. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the full gravity of everything that would lead to bed rest. Bed rest isn't simply laying on the couch or in bed just for the fun of it, or just because you are … [Read more...]
Three Preemies: Courtney’s Story
Three Preemies I love being contacted by women that want to share their stories dealing with premature birth. When I received an email from Courtney, a reader and also a writer, I was very interested in hearing her story. Not only did she experience a premature birth once, but she's had three preemies. Three preemies, three NICU stays, and three times the worry. After … [Read more...]
Blame is not the answer, Scarlett’s Story
Blame When you experience a premature birth, it's so hard not to blame yourself, as the mother. Mothers are supposed to be able to protect their children from anything, even before they are born. Sometimes, though, you just can't. It is not in your power, and it is a really hard situation to be in. I always second guessed everything I did during my pregnancy, and wondered … [Read more...]